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Weeping Willow Trust Flute Teacher Grant

Information about the 2024 Grant Application is not yet available.

The Weeping Willow Trust Flute Teacher Grant ($2,000, awarded biennially) supports local private flute teachers by providing funding to develop educational endeavors for their private flute studios. Private flute teachers seeking enriching educational opportunities for their private students are encouraged to apply. This grant may support the development of curricular resources, performances with associated curricular resources, community outreach, collaborative ventures, guest artist funding, or other innovative concepts.






Teachers applying for this grant should meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be an active member of the Seattle Flute Society

  2. Must teach private flute lessons in Washington State

  3. Must have a minimum of five (5) regular private flute students at the time the application is submitted and funds awarded

  4. Previous winners may not reapply, but previous applicants whose project was not awarded funding may reapply the following year.

  5. Current SFS Board members may not apply.

  6. Funding is for new projects, not for reimbursement of completed projects.


Grant Process:


Please submit the following:

  1. A general description of the project, not to exceed 700 words. 

  2. Estimated budget

  3. (Optional) Any supplemental materials that support your application. These materials may include studio pictures, recital programs, student audio and/or video recordings, etc.


  • Applications will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of judges.

  • At least one teacher will be awarded the biennial $2,000 grant. 

  • Grant recipient(s) must give a 10-15 minute presentation at the annual Flute Festival.


Please email any questions to:

Previous Winners

2021 - Jean Balogh and Chris Kitchen

to support the creation of the flute hub and PNW Flute Ensemble project


2020 - Iris Ingram

to purchase a bass flute for her studio flute choir


2019 - Susan Hallstead

to purchase and create enrichment materials to teach music theory to her youngest private students


2018 - Jennifer Slaughter

for use as startup funding to form a community flute choir


2017 -



2016 -



2015 - Katherine Isbill Emeneth



2014 - Rose Johnson

to fund a 'Defining/Exploring Perspectives' workshop



This list is incomplete - if you have information to help complete it,

please contact

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2018 Grant Winner Jennifer Slaughter (left) with Grant Administrator Patricia Weston (right) at our annual Flute Festival

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Thanks for submitting!

Seattle Flute Society, 4244 University Way NE, PO Box 45754, Seattle, WA 98105

© Seattle Flute Society 2024

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